
Unrest in Kashmir


We Kashmiri American here in Los Angeles are quite appreciative of (The Times) bringing the news from occupied Kashmir to the attention of your readers (“Indian, Pakistan Sentries Tense, Lonely Standoff on Border,” by Bob Drogin, Part A, Feb. 10).

The Kashmir freedom struggle is a vibrant movement against forced Indian occupation. It is a pure people’s movement inspired from within. It is the movement of masses in and around the heavenly “Vale” of Kashmir. It is a movement for the promised right of self-determination. It is a movement for preservation of Kashmiri culture, ethnicity and heritage. It is a movement for preservation of human rights and democratic values. It is a movement for economic justice and independence. It is a movement for abolishing the cease-fire line and unification of Kashmir. It is a movement revolving around the lives of 12 million people in Jammu and Kashmir. It is a movement to prevent further human rights abuses and violations. It is a movement against altering the demographic realities in Kashmir.

It is a movement that seeks the implementation of United Nations resolutions of Aug. 13, 1948, and Jan. 5, 1949, which enshrine Kashmir’s right to a “free and impartial plebiscite” as promised and accepted by United Nations, India and Pakistan.



Kashmiri American Council

Western States Coordinator

Diamond Bar
