
Crusader’s Call: Political activist Kwame Ture, formerly...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Crusader’s Call: Political activist Kwame Ture, formerly Stokely Carmichael, is continuing his 1960s call to action, recruiting students for his All-African People’s Revolutionary Party. “If you don’t join our party, then join some other party. . . . If you can’t find an organization you like, then make your own party,” he said in Oakland on Friday. “You must help your people,” said Ture, 48, who headed the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee during 1960s.

She’s Fur It: Former Olympic skier Suzy Chaffee is speaking up against animal-rights activists who would ban the sale of fur coats. Chaffee, 43, who designs fur-lined ski wear, says: “I am really being responsible to the animals . . . because trapping them is better than letting them die the disease-and-starvation route.”

Honoring Murrow: Washington State University plans to name its communications school after legendary broadcaster Edward R. Murrow, one of the university’s most famous graduates, on April 12. Murrow, who died in 1965 at the age of 57, graduated from the school in 1930.


New Vows: Robert Mays, who waged a bitter battle over the apparent hospital swap of his daughter and another baby, has married for the third time. Mays, 44, and Darlena Souza, 32, were wed Saturday in Orlando, Fla. Kimberly Mays, 11, was in the ceremony. Genetic tests showed that Kimberly is the daughter of Ernest and Regina Twigg, and that the girl the Twiggs raised and named Arlena was really the daughter of Mays and his first wife. Arlena died of heart disease in 1988. In an agreement last year, Mays was allowed to keep Kimberly.
