
Reagan’s Taped Testimony


Incredible, isn’t it? For eight years we had a President who knew nothing, did not want to know anything, had his wishes carried out by underlings with the unspoken directive to be told nothing--to keep him the hell out of whatever was going on--and we loved him for it, and seemingly still do.

We prate and boast to the rest of the world of our beautiful democracy and suggest that it be emulated by one and all.

Just who are we kidding? We are a bunch of idiots, nothing less, for knowing and putting up with this charade and reelecting him by an overwhelming majority, really knowing deep inside that he did not, could not cope with the immensity of his position and we laughed at it all.


Are we still laughing? One wonders. Is there any limit to the gullibility and stupidity which we are still able to generate.

Heaven help us all.


North Hollywood
