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John Cooper, the embattled superintendent of the Escondido Union High School District, will leave his post on June 30--a year before his current contract expires--with $65,000 and other benefits, according to terms of a settlement announced by the district.

The formal parting was announced Tuesday night in a press release on behalf of both Cooper and the school board.

Cooper had been under contract to serve as superintendent through June 30, 1991, but had agreed several months ago to leave his post sooner, in the face of mounting criticism during the past year over his management style. Trustees had criticized him for his tight rein on district operations, at the expense of the autonomy of school principals.


Cooper has been superintendent for five years. A search for his replacement will begin immediately, said school board President Bruce Studebaker.

According to the terms of the settlement, Cooper, 47, will receive $65,000 to sever the final year of his employment contract, $2,500 for expenses while looking for a new job, full health benefits and use of his school district car through June 30, 1991, unless he finds a new job before then.
