
Bernson Backs Group in Parking Dispute

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Los Angeles City Councilman Hal Bernson sided Tuesday with an Alcoholics Anonymous chapter in North Hollywood in its dispute with neighbors over parking for AA members.

Bernson, chairman of the council’s planning committee, overruled a lower-ranking zoning official’s decision to limit to 100 the number of people who could attend meetings at the AA facility, known as Radford House, at 4343 Radford Ave. Gail Gordon, attorney for Radford House, said the nonprofit group’s North Hollywood chapter could not cover its expenses if meeting attendance were limited to 100.

Meetings at Radford House now attract up to 200 participants. The crowds cause parking and noise problems for the surrounding single-family residential neighborhood, said Renee Gunter, leader of the homeowners group protesting the AA chapter’s right to continue using the site.


Bernson said he would recommend permitting up to 120 members at each AA meeting and up to 150 members if the group found additional off-street parking.

Bernson also supported AA’s proposal that it be permitted to hold evening meetings from 8 to 9:30 p.m. City zoning officials had recommended a limit of 100 members per meeting and a curfew of 8:30 p.m.

An aide to Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Wachs, who represents the area, said Wachs favors a compromise between the homeowners and AA and is opposed to closing the AA meeting hall altogether, as some homeowners have urged. The matter next goes to the full City Council for review.
