
Gay-Bashing and the GOP

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The state Republican Party appears to have finally laid to rest a long-simmering and divisive controversy over resolutions aimed at limiting recognition of homosexual groups within the GOP. In a compromise reached last weekend at its state convention in Santa Clara, the party went on record against recognizing clubs that are “based on sexual orientation.” But it removed language from the resolutions aimed directly at Orange County’s Log Cabin Club, a gay Republican group. The main proponent of the anti-gay measures, Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton), also removed graphic descriptions of sex acts included in previous proposals.

The compromise allowed Republicans to head off further debate that served only to showcase a mean-spirited side of their party. After a free-for-all over the same issues at an earlier state convention, national GOP Chairman Lee Atwater condemned anti-gay resolutions for conflicting with the party’s intention to reach out to minority groups. Sen. Pete Wilson (R-Calif.) labeled the resolutions “gay-bashing,” and other GOP leaders helped block adoption of the resolutions.

The recent convention had promised further disruptions that threatened to sidetrack and divide Republicans just as Wilson was trying to close ranks around his candidacy for governor. With this in mind, Wilson supporters worked out the compromise between the Log Cabin Club and Dannemeyer, which was adopted by delegates.


Dannemeyer has claimed victory. The Log Cabin Club pronounced the resolutions meaningless. Only time will tell who’s right. The measures do seem to provide ammunition for Dannemeyer and others who agree with him for further attacks on gays at the local level. But at least this absurd debate has been put aside at the state level, and the Republican Party can now get on to more important matters.
