
Idaho’s Strict Abortion Bill Advances

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United Press International

The most restrictive abortion bill in the nation moved another step toward becoming law Friday when a state Senate committee sent the measure to the Senate floor for a vote.

Following testimony from three constitutional experts on both sides of the issue, the Senate State Affairs Committee voted 7 to 4 to send the bill to the floor with a “do pass” recommendation.

The measure, which has cleared the House, would ban abortion as a method of birth control except in cases of rape, incest, profound fetal deformity or threat to the life or the health of the mother.


The Senate could vote on the bill as early as Tuesday. Gov. Cecil D. Andrus has not indicated whether he would sign the bill if it is passed by the Senate.

The National Right to Life Committee said it hopes the bill will prompt the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

But opponents contend that the bill is unconstitutional and would cost the state up to $1.5 million to defend.


Freedom Means Choice, a group claiming 10,000 members statewide, said its polls show that 63% of Idaho voters want women and their families to make decisions about abortion, not the Legislature.
