
Westwood Backs Her Group, Lake Says


Mark Liscio’s recent letter attacking Friends of Westwood demonstrates that he is out of touch with his neighbors. Mr. Liscio claims to be a “loyal resident of Westwood.” Where has he been the last six years? Certainly not testifying at any public hearing! Perhaps if he had even attended a local Town Meeting, he would be aware of the interest and support most Westwood families have in seeing that their community is developed with care and vision.

Friends of Westwood’s positions are supported by the long-established homeowner associations of Westwood. In addition, Friends of Westwood belongs to and works closely with the Westwood Village Merchants’ Assn.

In a pluralistic society, no one group speaks for all interests. Friends of Westwood speaks for about 1,000 Westwood families who are concerned with environmental protection and public safety. These are not petty concerns for those of us raising families here.


Friends of Westwood has been on the cutting edge of land-use in this city for five years and is proud of its record in seeing that environmental laws are obeyed by both private developers and UCLA. Perhaps Mr. Liscio has a problem with these laws.

By any reasonable standard, Friends of Westwood and I have the support of Westwood families. We appreciate that trust and support, and promise to continue to monitor land-use development in our community.


president, Friends of Westwood
