
Controversy Over Legalization of Drugs in America


Two disparate views are expressed regarding the legalization of drug addiction--yes, addiction not usage (March 12). If we legalize usage, we legalize addiction. Let’s keep that in mind. Federal Judge Robert A. Sweet argues for it, and Midge Decter argues against it. Thank you, Ms. Decter, for your very cogent arguments.

A country’s laws reflect society’s values. If we value the health and well-being of our babies and youth, we must send out the message that self-destruction is not a value, and will not be legally tolerated. We are in a war against drugs.

Sweet states, “When government gets involved in protecting people from themselves, the opportunities for mischief are plentiful.” You are the mischief-maker, Judge Sweet, to expound such nonsense. Who protects children from themselves, and crack-addicted babies born of mothers over 21? Who protects teen-agers who are too young for legal drugs, but not too young to obtain from them parents and peers?


I say drug addiction is an evil. I say it is morally and ethically wrong to condone it with legal sanctions just because we’re tired of the alternative!


