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The South Coast Air Quality Management District has responsibility to control air pollution in the area. It has the power to seek court-imposed fines against polluters of from $25 to $25,000 a day based on such factors as the extent that emissions exceed legal limits, the potential danger to the public, whether the violation was intentional, accidental or due to negligence and the company’s history of violations. These are the 10 highest penalties paid in February: COMPANY Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co. Burbank TYPE OF BUSINESS Aerospace firm PENALTY $1 million VIOLATION Multiple violations involving inadequate record-keeping in emissions control plan for Palmdale, Rye Canyon and Burbank facilities. COMPANY California Acrylic Industries Inc. Ontario TYPE OF BUSINESS Spa maker PENALTY $10,000 VIOLATION Failure to obtain a permit to operate a spray painting booth. COMPANY Hyundai Steel Industries Inc. Long Beach TYPE OF BUSINESS Truck trailer manufacturer PENALTY $8,000 VIOLATION Excessive hydrocarbons from paint usage. COMPANY Maxon Industries Inc. Los Angeles TYPE OF BUSINESS Hydraulic equipment manufacturer PENALTY $7,000 VIOLATION Excessive hydrocarbons from spray painting booths. COMPANY Container Storage Inc. Fontana TYPE OF BUSINESS Steel cargo container refurbisher PENALTY $6,500 VIOLATION Excessive hydrocarbons from spray painting equipment; excessive hydrocarbons from paint usage. COMPANY Frederick’s of Hollywood Los Angeles TYPE OF BUSINESS Lingerie retailer PENALTY $5,500 VIOLATION Failure to submit an AQMD-approved ride-sharing plan. COMPANY Golf Products USA Paramount TYPE OF BUSINESS Golf club manufacturer PENALTY $5,000 VIOLATION Failure to obtain a permit to operate a spray painting booth. COMPANY HRL Inc. Industry TYPE OF BUSINESS Deburring firm (smoothing metal parts during shearing) PENALTY $5,000 VIOLATION Excessive hydrocarbons from solvent usage, contrary to permit conditions. COMPANY EKCO/GLACO Commerce TYPE OF BUSINESS Industrial products manufacturer PENALTY $3,000 VIOLATION Failure to obtain a permit to operate spray painting booths; excessive hydrocarbons from solvents and coatings. COMPANY Alan Lithograph Inglewood TYPE OF BUSINESS Printer PENALTY $2,000 VIOLATION Excessive hydrocarbons from inks.
