
DANA POINT : Traffic Light at Busy Intersection Is OKd


After years of lobbying by local officials and merchants, a California Department of Transportation engineer has recommended that a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Coast Highway and Street of the Crystal Lantern.

A study conducted by the city showed that the signal was needed to accommodate a retail-commercial building now under construction at the northwest corner of the intersection and new residential development in the area, said Paul Sakrekoff, district engineer for Caltrans in the Dana Point area.

The combined developments will generate an additional 4,100 average daily trips through the intersection, according to a report by City Engineer Bob Sergeant.


Last winter, the city installed a right-turn-only sign at the base of Street of the Crystal Lantern in an attempt to decrease traffic on the narrow street. But drivers have been ignoring the sign and turning left onto Coast Highway, or turning right and then attempting illegal U-turns on the highway, said Dennis Vlach of the city’s Traffic Commission.

The light will be especially welcomed by merchants at the Pier 101 shopping center on Coast Highway.

“I’ve been told there would be a light there since I bought my business three years ago,” said Gregg Williams, owner of the Mariner’s Mart in the center.

City officials said a traffic light will cost about $100,000 and could be installed as early as this fall. The light will be paid for by developers, Sergeant said.
