
Everyone Must Take Part in Battle Against Prejudice


It is time for action in light of the tragic event that happened in the early hours of March 25 in Yorba Linda. Some pseudo-Christians distributed hundreds of leaflets with the message “Kill Every Jew” in the vicinity of the North County Chabad Center.

As a resident of Yorba Linda, as a Christian, as a member of a Yorba Linda church and as an educator, I urge individuals and churches to speak out loudly in condemnation of such a demented deed. We cannot allow such diabolical discrimination to have any foothold in our community, for this kind of attitude can grow into societal acceptance, as it has so many times in history.

If discrimination is acceptable against Jews, it won’t be long until other minorities such as Arabs and Asians become targets of the same hatred. Let us band together to squelch such perpetration of hate.



Yorba Linda
