
Buchanan on Funding for Art


Buchanan could have made a good case for getting government out of the art business, but, once again, he couldn’t resist calling for state censorship of all the arts. It might be best to do away with the National Endowment for the Arts and let artists succeed or fail on their talent. That would certainly be preferable to expecting a bureaucratic entity to judge the artistic merit of a work. Surely, without the NEA, “Piss Christ” would never have made it out of the “artist’s” garret.

However, “The Last Temptation of Christ,” “Nuns on the Run,” “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and “Like a Prayer” were all produced with private funds, and Buchanan has the option of not supporting them.

I do not appreciate Buchanan and others like him concerning themselves with the state of my soul. Contrary to their continuous rantings, the United States is not a “Christian” nation. We don’t have a state religion, witch hunts, pogroms or any of the other neat things that come with a “Christian” nation, and we’re sick of Buchanan and Pat Robertson and all their like, trying to organize them.



