
Supervisors and the Airport Site


I cannot believe what I just read. In the article by Jim Newton on Airport Site Selection Problems (March 31), Supervisors Don R. Roth and Thomas F. Riley were quoted as saying that they are both opposed to locating another airport anywhere in Orange County.

One can understand Riley’s concerns. Obviously anyone who has just had a gigantic new passenger terminal named after him is not interested in having that honor diluted by the presence of another airport and terminal anywhere in his territory.

Don Roth’s endorsement of George Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert outside Victorville as the best site for a new airport to serve the citizens of Orange County is absolutely ludicrous. Perhaps if George should turn out to be unavailable, he will next propose a site in central Nevada. I’m sure there is adequate land available at a reasonable price somewhere between Las Vegas and Winnemucca.


The people of Orange County, and particularly those of us who live directly under the John Wayne flight path, deserve something better than supervisors who are dedicated to seeing that no new airport is built in the county. The noise and pollution emanating from the ever-increasing number of John Wayne flights is already intolerable. It is absolutely vital that a second airport site be selected within a reasonable distance of our county’s population centers and that development of it begin forthwith.


Balboa Island
