
The Illegal Beach Patios on Property in Newport


Re the illegal beach patios: Twenty-five years ago when we were fortunate enough to acquire oceanfront property in Newport Beach, we were limited to building within specific setback lines wholly within our measured lot because that was the law and because the public sidewalk abutted our property. Had we located past the sidewalk terminus we, too, might have had 27 feet of patio and that lovely privacy that some covet.

It now comes to light that for decades the city has allowed illegal encroachments by beachfront homeowners onto the public beach by way of patios and decks. The law is certain, clear and unambiguous, so why is it not enforced? How can the city not only sanction illegal conduct but actually derive benefits from it? If the city continues to ignore its duty, I suggest the following alternatives:

* Rip out all oceanfront sidewalks and allow all homeowners the same privilege of extending their front yards for the proposed fee.


* Or extend the sidewalks all the way to the harbor entrance and the Santa Ana River along the existing right of way which would automatically force all homeowners to comply with the law.


Newport Beach
