
Fair Taxation


Raymond Ponath in his letter (April 4) expresses a view that is unfortunately all too common: the belief that a progressive income tax is the only “fair” way to get citizens to pay for government services. This view stems from the idea that individuals with high incomes not only can, but should pay higher proportions of their incomes in the form of personal income taxes.

In reality, a progressive income tax is nothing more than a penalty for success. If we wished to institute a truly fair system of taxation, everyone should pay a flat rate on income earned, say 10%. No deductions, no writeoffs, nothing, just 10% right off the top.

People with high incomes are not simply lay-abouts who sit back and wait for the money to come rolling in. They tend to be hard-working and highly skilled people. Fairness demands that everyone pay an equal share and not differential rates simply because they can.



