
NATION : Bushes Pay ’89 Tax of $101,382

From Times Wire Services

President and Mrs. Bush paid $101,382 in 1989 federal income taxes on a gross income of $456,780, the White House disclosed today.

White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater, who released copies of the tax returns to reporters, said that of the income Bush received $189,167 was his presidential salary. Also included is $6,229 he received as salary while serving as vice president in 1989.

The Bushes also reported $208,274 in income from other sources as well as $804 in interest income and $16,238 in income from other sources.


A long-term capital gain from his blind trust of $36,068 also was disclosed.

Fitzwater declined to explain why control of the blind trust was shifted from Bush’s wealthy longtime friend, William Farish, to Bessemer Trust Co. of New York.

The Bushes claimed $94,702 in itemized deductions, which included $37,272 in contributions to 39 charities, and $594 to charities through the blind trust.
