
Supervisors Should Try Planning Ahead

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Supervisor Harriett Wieder is quoted as saying we have to “dust off” voluntary restrictions of water consumption enacted in 1988. She is also quoted as saying, “We are approaching a crisis.”

I submit that the supervisors are the problem. Did it every occur to the Wieders, Rileys, et al, that they, above all others, brought the present problem to its current proportions by giving developers practically a free hand to build out the southern part of Orange County. They were so anxious to please the developers and were scared to death that a slow-growth movement was about to get started that little, if any, thought was given to the future. Now we find ourselves with a real water problem.

When, oh when, will we get public officials who can plan ahead and not address every problem as if it existed only in the present? Another example: have they done anything about the future airport needs of the county?



Corona del Mar
