
Richard Nixon Looks Back on His Final Hours in the White House


Are the American people never to be spared from the self-serving whining of Nixon? Sixteen years since the Weasel of Whittier barely escaped impeachment and prison by slinking out of office, and he’s still pedaling the same line of bull. Anyone with a shred of integrity would have receded quietly into the background, but not this scoundrel. No, he continues to poison the body politic with his childish attempts to rewrite history. The Tricky One seems to think that by repeating the same lies over and over again, he can erase the facts. I don’t know whether we should have contempt or pity for this man who after all these years seems not to have gained an iota of wisdom, grace or humility.

To continue to subject the public to his ravings is really cruel and unusual punishment.


Los Angeles
