
SCIENCE / MEDICINE : Men Warned on Nude Sunbathing

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Compiled from Times Wire and Staff Reports

Men who frequently sunbathe nude using ultraviolet lamps substantially increase their risk of developing a rare and potentially fatal genital cancer, according to a new study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study shows that the penis is particularly susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of sunlight, and it advised men who are frequently exposed to ultraviolet radiation in tanning salons, on the beach, or for therapeutic purposes to protect themselves.

“Occasional sun exposure carries little risk. We are talking about people who like to tan all over and do it year in and year out and are using a variety of ultraviolet light devices,” said Dr. Robert Stern, a dermatologist at Harvard Medical School, who led the study.

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation is estimated to cause some 90% of the 500,000 cases of skin cancer in the United States each year.


The study reviewed a group of 892 men who, over a 12-year period, received high doses of ultraviolet light and chemicals called psoralens for the treatment of psoriasis, a commonly used therapy for severe cases of the skin disease. The incidence of cancer of the penis and scrotum was nearly 300 times higher in these men than in the general population.
