
Bush Criticizes Congress on Panama Aid

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From Associated Press

President Bush told Panama’s new leader today that the United States “will stand with you in peace,” but said he was embarrassed by congressional delay on a $800-million aid request for Panama and Nicaragua.

Bush chastised Congress for not moving quicker on his aid package after a White House meeting with President Guillermo Endara.

“I’ve asked and asked again that our aid package to the newly liberated people of Panama be passed and passed swiftly. And still it waits,” Bush said in joint remarks with Endara at the conclusion of their meeting.


“It is time to finish the job. Just as you can’t cross a chasm in two small steps, the people of Panama can’t hope to make the leap to liberty and prosperity with only halfhearted support from her neighbors to the north,” Bush said.

Bush and Endara signed four agreements, three on drug-war cooperation and the fourth allowing Peace Corps volunteers to return to Panama.

One of the accords would allow the U.S. military to board Panamanian-flag vessels suspected of carrying narcotics.


Another seeks to regulate chemical substances used for illicit drugs and the third agreement would permit the U.S. Coast Guard to enter Panamanian territorial waters under specified circumstances.

Endara, speaking in Spanish, thanked Bush for the U.S. role in restoring democracy and freedom to Panama. He invited Bush to come to Panama as soon as possible.

“Be careful, I might just show up,” Bush said.
