
DANCE REVIEWS : Cast Changes on Repeat of Diaghilev Program

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A repeat of the Diaghilev program by the Joffrey Ballet on Saturday evening at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion enlisted several new worthy principals.

Dancing the Leader of the Nymphs in Nijinsky’s “L’Apres-midi d’un Faune” for the first time in Los Angeles, Elizabeth Parkinson reflected innocence and thunderstruck wonder at observing the more-than-half-animal Faun of Peter Narbutas. One could see her caught up in a new world.

But she also looked severly taxed by the choreographer’s cruel demands of holding head and feet in profile and body turned to the front, especially when sinking to the floor.


Narbutas delivered, as usual, a detailed portrayal, sharp in gesture, languid in repose, smug in magnetism. He drew heady images of being intoxicated with the Nymph’s discarded scarf.

John Miner conducted Debussy’s music with sensitivity.

As the Chosen One in Nijinsky’s “Le Sacre du Printemps,” Carole Valleskey excelled in raging against her fate and making falls inspire pity. Hers was a broken body when thrust aloft as sacrifice to the sun god.

Allan Lewis conducted a tense, vivid account of Stravinsky’s marvelous score.

Replacing Daniel Baudendistel in Nijinska’s “Les Noces,” Tyler Walters made a caring, protective Bridegroom in a cast otherwise previously reviewed. Lewis again conducted.
