
Correspondence Course Teaches Bachelor a Tough Lesson in Love

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There are millions of modern love stories. This is one of them.

It began when John Haddock, 49, a machinist from Green Bay, Wis., spotted an ad for Latins International, a Chula Vista firm that sells lists of ladies on the basis of race, ethnicity and bust size.

Haddock saw the ad in Hustler magazine. He sent $15 for the “American Ladies” list.

Haddock is twice-divorced. He’s tired of the madding whirl of the Green Bay night life.

He wrote letters to several women on the list: “I can travel. Can you? Are you interested in relocating to Wisconsin?”

He was impressed with the response from Glenda, 30, of Anaheim. In her picture she has a pouty mouth and teased hair.


“She sounded very sweet and innocent over the phone,” Haddock said. “She didn’t even call collect.”

Haddock asked Glenda to visit him. She said she needed $200 for car expenses.

Haddock tried to send money to her with his MasterCard. MasterCard balked; a company official said there had been complaints about Glenda receiving money from men.

Glenda said it was all a mistake. Haddock sent cash.

Glenda never showed up. A female roommate gave Haddock the runaround when he called.

Haddock wrote to the Orange County district attorney, The Times, and Latins International.

The D.A. is sending Haddock a letter on how to file a complaint. A spokeswoman for Latins International said the firm is not responsible if men do goofy things.


She said men should try some caveat emptor.

That’s Latin for: Don’t send money to a woman just because she claims to share your interest in golf, camping and volleyball.

Haddock is still corresponding with other women on the list, including two who are in prison for writing bad checks. He’s willing to wait.


He notes that the average sentence for a bad check rap lasts less than two years.

But love, if you can find it, is forever.

Culture or Bust

Here and there.

* Arts groups are hoping to pack the San Diego City Council chambers Thursday to protest cutbacks in city subsidies.

Their rallying cry: “Don’t let the vultures get your culture.”

* Every little bit helps.

A campaign brochure for supervisorial candidate Mike Schaefer shows him kneeling beside actor Angelo Rossito, who is a dwarf and had a role in “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.”

Caption under the picture: “Mike is for the little guy.”

Candidate Youngkin--Unmasked

Bottom of the news.

* Votes on the fly.

Connie Youngkin, the Poway nurse running for the Republican nomination in the 76th Assembly District, is struggling to be more than just an anti-abortion candidate.

That was her in El Cajon addressing a protest rally Monday night just before the malathion spraying began.

And handing out dust masks with “Republicans for Youngkin” stamped in red.

* The Sheriff’s Department has already apologized, but the San Diego News Photographers Assn. still plans a letter of protest over a deputy relieving a Vista Press photographer of his camera at a fatal shooting last week.

And the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists wants the San Diego County District Attorney to investigate.


For the photographers’ association, the incident was deja vu all over again.

The association formed in 1978 in response to the arrest of a Union-Tribune photographer and a Channel 8 cameraman at the scene of the PSA crash that killed 144 people.
