
Annapolis Naval Academy Outlaws Hazing, Harassment

United Press International

Naval Academy officials today issued a general order intended to stop future incidents of hazing or harassment of female midshipmen at the academy.

Supt. Virgil Hill Jr. issued the four-part plan, saying he wants to reaffirm the rights of all midshipmen after charges of hazing raised by a female midshipman who resigned from the academy.

The order states that any upper-class midshipman who violates rules governing physical contact with plebes can be thrown out of the academy.


The female midshipman who resigned this month, Gwen Dreyer, complained that male classmates handcuffed her to a urinal and took photographs of her.

Hill’s order prohibits “horseplay” between classmates if it involves a midshipman against his or her will. The academy will also institute a complaint hot line and implement a program to educate midshipmen on sexual harassment.
