
Starvation in Ethiopia

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What is happening in Ethiopia under the rule of Mengistu Haile Mariam is very disturbing. Despite efforts by humanitarian agencies to get food to the over 5 million people starving in Eritrea, Tigre and other parts of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian air force is said to have continued its bombardment of Massawa, a port in Eritrea, thereby hampering relief supply deliveries.

The Voice of America reported recently that 12 army generals who were alleged to have been involved in a coup attempt to overthrow Mengistu in May, 1989, have been executed. The irony is that not long ago Mengistu had made a speech favoring a multi-party system.

We must stop dealing with Mengistu until he comes back to his senses, which I very much doubt he will, and instead assist the opposition groups in removing Mengistu, bringing democracy back to Ethiopia, and bringing about Eritrean independence.



Los Angeles
