
Obituaries - June 4, 1990

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* Frank M. Adams; Morris Knudsen President

Frank M. Adams, 64, president of Morrison Knudsen Co. of Boise, Ida., one of the world’s largest heavy construction firms. Adams had been president of Morrison Knudsen since August after serving as an executive with Bendix Corp. His business career came after 26 years in the Navy in which he commanded two nuclear submarines and was second in command on the Nautilus when that sub made its historic voyage under the North Pole in 1958. After that tour of duty, Adams worked for Adm. H. G. Rickover in Washington before retiring as a captain in 1969. In a plane crash on May 27 near Naylor, Mo., which also claimed the life of his wife, Novella.

* Beverly Shaw; Singer, Club Owner

Beverly Shaw, 80, a singer and nightclub owner in Los Angeles and the Bay Area for many years. Miss Shaw, who owned Club Laurel in Studio City where she also performed regularly, was one of the few finalists on radio’s “Major Bowes Amateur Hour” to earn a living as a professional entertainer. She also sang regularly at the Mona Club in San Francisco, the Flamingo on La Brea Avenue in Hollywood and Larry Potter’s Supper Club in the San Fernando Valley. Over the years Miss Shaw became a favorite of the film colony and recorded on her own label. On May 26 of cancer in Burbank.

* Sally Grosvenor; Duchess of Westminster

Sally Grosvenor, 80, the Duchess of Westminster and the globe-trotting aunt of Britain’s wealthiest man. Wife of the fourth Duke of Westminster, who died in 1967, the duchess was the aunt of Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, the current duke and director of Grosvenor Estate Holdings, which owns substantial property in the posh Mayfair District of Central London. Grosvenor sits on the board of directors for Claridges Hotel Co., the Cutty Sark Society, Sun Alliance and the London Insurance Co., among others. Two years ago, the duchess returned from her third trip up the Amazon River, where she spent five months hunting crocodiles. Three years ago, she was rescued from the Ba River in Fiji after her rubber raft struck a rock, hurling her into the water. In a hospital in Bristol on Wednesday after collapsing from a stroke at her home in western England.


* Dimitri de Grunwald; Film Producer

Dimitri de Grunwald, 76, producer of such films as “The Millionairess” with Peter Sellars and Sophia Loren. He was the son of a czarist diplomat and was born in St. Petersburg, now Leningrad. His family brought him to England when they escaped during the Bolshevik Revolution. De Grunwald became a movie producer in his own right after collaborating with his late brother, Anatole, in making films, including “The Way to the Stars,” “The Winslow Boy” and “The Demi-Paradise.” After “The Millionairess” in 1960, De Grunwald produced “Shalako,” “Murphy’s War” and other movies. On May 26 of unannounced causes at his home in Hove on the English south coast.
