
Why Spend So Much?

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I found the article (May 14) “Doctors Group Uses Clout to Block Reforms” by Virginia Ellis and Robert Steinbrook very enlightening.

Assemblywoman Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco) proposed establishing a toll-free hot line so consumers could easily file complaints against doctors. I have to agree with doctors that it would bring every wacko out of the woodwork with complaints, and the state would need many telephone operators to answer these ridiculous calls.

What shocked me was the amount of money spent by the California Medical Assn. on lobbying--$3.5 million during a two-year legislative session.


If the doctors in this state were beyond reproach as they would like you to believe, if their fees were fair and their skills were done to the best of their ability and they were not greedy, and if the CMA was doing its job in policing its own, then why the fantastic amount of money needed to lobby the legislature?

It seems to me it’s time to honor that great statement: Physician, heal thyself.

GILBERT H. TUCKER, Huntington Beach
