
Coverage of American Muslims


American Muslims have been excluded from the political arena and usually branded as “terrorists” and “anti-Semitic” if not “foreign” and “backward.” New York Mayor David Dinkins excluded us from his campaign in the East and so did Sen. Pete Wilson (R-Calif.) in the West. American Muslims have met continuing frustration because they cannot present their views or initiate a discussion with policy-makers regarding international, domestic issues and their plight in America.

While Southland demonstrations supporting democratization in China, Lithuania, and Eastern Europe as well as rallies concerning abortion and labor disputes have been reported in detail, nothing was mentioned in The Times noting the American Muslim march for human rights that gathered 2,000 people.

On June 1, American Muslims peacefully walked to the office of Sen. Wilson, who was the second largest Republican recipient of pro-Israeli PAC money in 1988 ($75,000), and presented to him a list of demands regarding human rights violations in Palestine and Kashmir. This was quite a newsworthy event, especially since Wilson is considered the voice of Israel in his party and has continuously nagged the Administration to end the dialogue with the PLO.


Moreover, he conceded on three critical points at the meeting with delegates from the American Muslim community taking place during the rally: 1) He supported self-determination for Kashmir; 2) he criticized Israel for its human-rights violations against Palestinians in the occupied territories, and 3) he opposed settlements in the occupied territories. Wilson’s response to the demands was completely ignored by The Times.

Another demonstration sponsored by Justice for Janitors, a worthy cause, gained coverage partly because of its violent ending, with windows smashed and riot squads positioned (Metro, June 2). Had American Muslims taken a similar route, we probably would have opened our papers and read the headline “Terrorism Hits American Shores.” This double standard leads to misunderstandings, fears and violence directed at an innocent community. Rare reports concerning the American Muslims are seemingly channeled to the public by our decision-making body through the lens of extremism.


Muslim Public Affairs Council

Los Angeles
