
Heavy Metal Groups Strike a Sour Chord

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The article by Bob Sipchen on Hollywood’s heavy metal nightclub scene really hit home (“Rock City,” June 8).

I used to head out to Sunset Boulevard every weekend to catch the latest bands, but that was several years ago. I stopped because I got tired of seeing either of the following: dimwitted “death metal” basket cases who play fast merely for the sake of playing fast with no regard for emotion save blind rage, or oversexed playboys who spend more time moussing their hair and searching for groupies than putting any thought behind their music. It all added up to self-serving, meaningless garbage.

Sipchen’s article has proven to me that nothing has changed. Los Angeles metal is suffering musically because the musicians and club-goers who pack Hollywood on any given night aren’t there to change the direction of rock and roll, but to fulfill their pipe dreams of either being famous or knowing someone who is. That’s why great bands like Soundgarden and Faith No More are coming from elsewhere.


No wonder no one takes heavy metal music seriously.


Harbor City
