
WORLD : PLO Forces Disarm Followers of Terrorist Mastermind Nidal

<i> From Times Wire Services </i>

PLO guerrillas swept through a refugee camp in southern Lebanon today and disarmed followers of the notorious terrorist mastermind Abu Nidal, police said.

The operation followed weekend fighting between supporters and opponents of Abu Nidal within his Fatah-Revolutionary Council group. At least five people were killed in the violence.

Police said about 100 Palestine Liberation Organization military policemen seized all weapons of Abu Nidal’s followers in a house-to-house search in the Rashidiyeh refugee camp, outside Tyre.


“Abu Nidal’s base in Rashidiyeh has been dismantled. He has no followers left here,” said a police spokesman in Tyre.

He said 40 Abu Nidal loyalists surrendered to the PLO on Sunday, and a dozen were arrested in today’s operation.
