
Baker’s Message for Shamir’s New Government


You chastise Shamir for being quoted in the press and then claiming a misunderstanding when a furor arises (editorial, June 15). Recently, Secretary of State James Baker testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Operations on a State Department report that held that the Palestine Liberation Organization is still engaged in terrorism and supports a long-range strategy of terrorism. While Baker conceded to the report, he testified: “Generally speaking, the PLO has complied with its December ’88 commitments.” Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) pointed to the inconsistency of Baker’s remarks, stating: “I just don’t think you can ride both those horses.” Baker’s inconsistencies do not seem to bother The Times. Shamir’s do.

Israel, in its 1948 Declaration of Independence, offers its hand to all its neighboring states in an offer of peace. In 1967, the Arab leaders adopted their formula of no peace, no negotiations with Israel.

The PLO is on the United States list as a terrorist organization, Yasser Arafat is on that list as a terrorist. Arafat is not permitted to enter the U.S. to address the U.N. The PLO declares in its charter that the state of Israel is illegal and that it intends to have all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea for a Palestinian state.


Now, we have Baker’s message to Israel: “When you’re serious about peace, call us.” The Times seems to concur with Baker.

There can be only one explanation for this nonsense: Meshuga! Meshuga! Meshuga!


San Diego
