
Controversy Over Flag Amendment


I read Lt. Col. Richard Wandke’s short impassioned plea against flag burning (“It’s Our Symbol,” Commentary, June 14). I don’t see what Wandke sees.

I see many things in this country that are unpleasant. I would respect our flag better if splotches of mud were incorporated into the design. It would more accurately represent what this nation is. We have very possibly saved the entire world from destruction twice, in two world wars, gloriously fought. But democracy does not keep us from stupidity.

We allow our President, through covert operations, to practically level Nicaragua to the ground because he can’t stand its president. We legislate equality but are far from having it in practice. We have an economic system that makes it profitable to pollute the environment, unprofitable to keep it clean. Television advertisements are inane. The list goes on and on.


I’ll bet that if we had mud splotches woven into the design of our flag the issue of flag burning would be gone. That flag would be us: idealistic and opportunistic, wise and stupid, good and bad. It would represent us as we are, not some ideal that we never will attain. Until we have a flag that is really us, I am sympathetic to the flag burners. They are not so much against the flag. They are against the hypocrisy of the flag representing only purity. I agree. Why should our flag be a liar?


Garden Grove
