
A summary of Southern California-related business litigation developments during the past week.

From United Press International

Mattel Sues Cult Leader: The Hawthorne-based toy maker sued religious cult leader Tony Alamo and two of his companies, claiming that they have damaged the images of Mattel and Barbie. The breach-of-contract case, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, said Alamo Designs in early 1989 obtained two licenses to make and sell denim jackets, T-shirts and jeans decorated with rhinestones and the name and likeness of Barbie and Nostalgic Barbie. The suit said the agreements were violated because Alamo, among other things, marketed an unapproved T-shirt with a “religious symbol,” called Pope John Paul II a “Nazi war criminal” and has been evading arrest for felony child abuse. The suit seeks more than $75,000 and an order barring Alamo from using Barbie images or trademarks. (Filed June 21, 1990. Case No. BC004015)
