
Downey : $43.9-Million Budget Is Up 6.3% From Current Year

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The City Council on Tuesday approved a $43.9-million operating budget for the coming year, an increase of 6.3% in spending over the current year.

An aquatics program at the new community swimming pool at Downey High School is the only major new program in the coming fiscal year, which begins July 1 and runs through June 30, 1991, City Manager Gerald M. Caton said. The pool opened Monday.

Otherwise, the budget largely duplicates the level of services that the city is currently providing to residents, he said. Salary increases and the higher cost of city employee benefits account for $1.5 million in additional spending, said Lee Powell, assistant city manager.


The city’s general fund, which pays for most daily operations including Police and Fire Department salaries, is balanced. The fund is projected to have a $3.6-million reserve at the start and end of the year.

In addition to the $43.9 million, the budget anticipates spending $12.4 million on capital improvements such as a water main and renovation of Furman Park.

The City Council also improved increases in some service fees it charges residents, including various planning fees for new construction. It also approved a new fee for non-residents who use paramedic service in the city.
