
Operation Rescue


I am one of the protesters from Operation Rescue who received a jail sentence July 16. At this time I am writing from Sybil Brand Institute.

I am 20 years old and this my first time in jail. Although I had a right to decide to take probation or time, I chose to do the time. I did not expect to receive a 90-day sentence, but I could not take probation, knowing that I could not stand near an “abortion clinic” and be silent when babies are being killed.

While I spend my time in jail I have another job in here, just as I did out there, and that is to spread the word to others. As long as I have eyes to see, ears to listen and a mouth to speak, I will not give up the fight for the unborn and the mothers. I do not want to be in jail; but if it takes myself and others to lay down our lives, maybe others will be touched by our works.


I do not have respect for a law that has made killing legal through “abortion.” The only thing that the law has done is allow murder to be justified.


Los Angeles
