
Controversial Abortion Pill

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Re: “A French Option on Abortion:”

Perhaps Annie should have waited for that special commitment--marriage. The license to have children. Perhaps, Chantal should have had her tubes tied if she didn’t want to have any more children. They both might not be faced with that terrible decision to kill their child. Would they take a pill to kill themselves? No, but they can give themselves a pill to kill their child! Yes, you see, life does begin at conception because there is a beginning and there is an end to everything--it’s not nine months later, but nine months earlier. Why have nine Supreme Court justices given this country such mixed messages about life? Go ahead and get pregnant. You can kill your child! What are we teaching our children? What respect do we have for life? Yes, RU-486 will make it even a more disposable world.

Do you really believe a mother or a father has the right to choose to take the life of a child? Aren’t you glad your mother or father didn’t believe this?


Pacific Palisades
