
Hayden’s VDT Bill Passed, but Foes Will Seek Reconsideration

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Times Staff Writer

Legislation to require video display terminals in the workplace to meet specified design and ergonomic standards has been passed by the Assembly without a vote to spare.

A 41-31 vote, the bare majority needed, was cast on the bill (AB 955), sponsored by Assemblyman Tom Hayden (D-Santa Monica). It had passed the Senate by 25 to 6. Next stop for the measure is Gov. George Deukmejian’s desk, but opponents temporarily blocked that by serving notice that they will seek reconsideration of the Assembly vote.

Hayden argues that stress and other health problems associated with the use of VDTs are the fastest-growing category of employee disability claims in recent years. GOVERNOR Bills Vetoed


Worker Safety: AB 4006 by Assemblyman Sal Cannella (D-Modesto) to increase by 50% the maximum criminal fines and civil penalties that can be imposed on employers for worker safety violations.

Voters: AB 2689 by Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) to require high school students who are 18 years or older to be given an opportunity to register to vote as part of their civics class. ASSEMBLY Floor Action

Umbrellas: Sent to the governor on a 43-17 vote a bill (AB 4166) by Assemblyman Trice Harvey (R-Bakersfield) to grant a sales tax exemption for materials to be used in an art project called “The Umbrellas” by the artist Christo. He plans to line 1.8 miles of Interstate 5 in the Tejon Pass area of Kern and Los Angeles counties with 1,700 yellow umbrellas each 20 feet high and 28 feet wide. Harvey argues that increased tourism would offset the $90,000 revenue loss.


Stalking: Sent to the governor on a 66-1 vote a bill (SB 2184) by Sen. Edward Royce (R-Anaheim) to create a new crime of stalking, defined as following or disturbing the peace of another with the intent of making that person fear death or serious injury.

Minivans: Sent to the governor on a 42-28 vote a bill (AB 3998) by Assemblyman Johan Klehs (D-Castro Valley) to require automobile dealers to affix notices to new minivans disclosing whether they comply with federal motor vehicle safety standards.

Petition Circulators: Sent to the governor on a 58-11 vote a bill (AB 3148) by Assemblyman Stan Statham (R-Oak Run) to require ballot initiative circulators to give their name and their employer’s name before asking a voter to sign for qualification purposes.


Cranes: Sent to the governor on a 48-19 vote a bill (AB 2537) by Assemblyman John Burton (D-San Francisco) to establish a state crane operator licensing board. Bill Introductions

Middle East: AJR 109 by Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) expresses the support of the Legislature for the action of President Bush and Congress in deploying U.S. armed forces to the Middle East. SENATE Floor Action

Rail Transit: Sent to the governor on a 37-0 vote a bill (SB 1307) by Sen. John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove) calling for a study of the feasibility of a high-speed rail network that would connect Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange counties.

Driver Training: Passed and returned to the Assembly for concurrence in amendments on a 22-12 vote a bill (AB 296) by Assemblyman Richard Floyd (D-Carson) to suspend driver training requirements for minors if state money isn’t forthcoming to reimburse the schools on Jan. 1. Capital Fact

The golden poppy was selected as the official state flower of California by the 1903 Legislature.
