
Westwood : Coehlo Chair at UCLA

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The UCLA School of Medicine has announced the creation of the Tony Coehlo Chair in Neurology.

Funded with more than $1 million in contributions in honor of former U.S. Rep. Tony Coehlo, the chair will support research and education in epilepsy. Coehlo, who represented Merced as a Democrat from 1978 until last year, was the first member of Congress to acknowledge having epilepsy.

UCLA’s programs for research and treatment of the neurological disorder attract students and patients from around the world, a university official said.


“This is a magnificent achievement and one that will have a permanent impact on research, patient care and teaching in epilepsy,” Robert C. Collins, chairman of neurology, said.

The university is seeking a scientist of international stature to fill the chair, one of 91 such specially funded, prestigious positions at UCLA.
