
Sen. Thurmond’s Remarks


Kudos to The Times for your editorial “Lovely Ladies” (Sept. 23) regarding Sen. Strom Thurmond’s (R-S.C.) sneering sarcasm toward the five fabulous females testifying at the Souter hearings.

When I opened the telephone lines at noon that day on my radio show (KGIL), I was deluged with calls from women still reeling from the jolt of actually seeing before their eyes the insidious, patronizing dismissal of accomplished, articulate Americans testifying for their constitutional rights.

Ah, but the Good Ole Boy Strom did us festering females a fine favor. He jolted us into renewed vigor in realizing that sexism is as nasty and pernicious as racism. I would have liked to see the outcry had Thurmond called a panel of black men lovely “boys.”



Beverly Hills
