
Reunification of Germany


In response to “Germany Needs to Face This Honestly” (editorial, Oct. 5):

Newly unified Germany is an easy target for potshots these days. In addition to already existing nervousness about its past, the (German Economics Minister Helmut) Haussmann report has brought to light recent involvement in supplying Iraq with materials or aid for the production of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. The editorial also points an accusing finger at France and the Soviet Union. Our own contributions to international armament and greed are written off lamely with, “Americans may also have helped.”

Granted, Germany’s actions in this area are reprehensible. But when did our own greed become more ethical than Germany’s? America’s capacity to condemn others from a position of moral outrage while maintaining a marvelous amnesia concerning our own past actions is one of our most grievous national characteristics.

Honesty? Greed? Physician, heal thyself!


