
Procrastinators’ Club ‘Honors’ Bush, Congress for Budget Mess

<i> United Press International</i>

When the Procrastinators’ Club gathers to select its Procrastinator of the Year, it’s usually difficult to make a choice. But this year, the club president said, there was no contest.

The 1990 Procrastinators of the Year are President Bush and Congress for their inaction on the federal budget, said Les Waas, president of the Philadelphia group.

He said Bush and lawmakers were honored for “outstanding procrastination in making the current budget decisions.”


The club usually puts off making the award until well after each year ends, but Waas said this year there was really no question of who the honoree would be.

Waas said the committee also got around to dispensing a piece of budget advice for Bush and Congress:

“Spend the money first and then determine a budget later--procrastinate until the money has been spent, because then the budget will always balance,” Waas said.
