
Noting that two other nightclubs have been...


Noting that two other nightclubs have been taken to court for denying entrance to unflashy dressers, the Hollywood spot Spice hired two comics to portray nerdy doormen this weekend.

They’re the Morris Bros., who will be decked out in eye glasses mended with masking tape, pockets stuffed with pens, mismatched socks, etc.

Don’t get the wrong idea, though. Spice will also continue its policy of slamming the door in the face of the unglamorous.

“We have very, very beautiful people coming in every night,” spokeswoman Ilene Proctor confided. She added that if Spice permitted the entry of “people that don’t look the part, it would damage our image.”


Thank goodness we don’t look the part.

If you’re not lucky enough to qualify as the kind of celeb that Spice can stomach, you can literally dress like one on Halloween.

The CTG Costume Shop in downtown L.A. is renting costumes worn by the stars of local productions at prices ranging from $25 to $200 a day.

Available are outfits that were custom-made for such performers as Mick Jagger (“The Nightingale”), Bernadette Peters (“Sleeping Beauty”) and Herve Villechaize (“Circus of the Stars.”)

Villechaize’s white tuxedo from “Fantasy Island” is not among the items. As Tatoo would have put it, “Sorry, boss.”

Dafna Promotions Inc., a dream-interpretation service in Beverly Hills, would like to help President Bush. But it needs more information on Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s reported dream that included an appearance by the prophet Mohammed.

Hussein, for instance, did not offer such symbolic details as “whether Mohammed came to him driving in a car, walking or riding a horse,” Dafna said.


All is not lost, though. The company says it will interpret a dream by mail for $21 and by fax for $31.

The next move’s up to you, Saddam.

You may recall the victory some weeks ago of Walter Pierce and his Northridge group ROOSTER (Rural Outcry over Sexist Tactics to Eliminate Roosters).

ROOSTER persuaded the county to drop a proposed ordinance that would have banned those noisy cock-a-doodle-doers from yards of one acre or less in unincorporated L.A. County. Chickens would have been exempted.

Well, the triumph hasn’t been forgotten. The other day, someone opened the door to Pierce’s janitorial services company and threw in a live rooster.

“A gift, or retribution, depending on how you look at it,” Pierce said, laughing.

He added that he gave the rooster to a friend who has three lonely chickens.

Only in L.A., it should be noted, foresaw this rooster incident in a recent dream. It took place at Spice. Tatoo was there, in his tux. Hussein tossed the rooster through the front door, past the bouncer. The fax is on the way, Dafna.


At last count, there were 36,808 attorneys in L.A. County. In 1859, there were 11.
