
A summary of Southern California-related business litigation developments during the past week.

From United Press International

Volunteers of America Sues State: Volunteers of America of Los Angeles Inc. sued the state for breach of contract, alleging that it botched a planned work furlough center by failing to award the contract in time. The Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit alleges that the charitable organization leased a Chinatown building at $3,600 a month and renovated it at the urging of the Department of Corrections. Under the agreement, the DOC was to deliver the operating contract within two months of Volunteers’ pricing proposal. But the DOC did not meet the deadline, and in the meantime, the city rezoned the property so that it could not be used for a work furlough program, the suit said. It seeks unspecified general damages. (Case No. BC013391. Filed Oct. 23, 1990)
