
PETE? OR DIANNE? : A Range of Voices Argues that California Does Have a Choice : Wilson: The Best Women’s Candidate

<i> President, Eileen Padberg Consulting, Irvine</i>

Ironically, in what’s being called the “Year of the Woman,” the California gubernatorial candidate with the best record on issues of concern to women is a man.

In 1972, Pete Wilson stood beside us in support of the equal-rights amendment. For more than two decades, Pete Wilson has supported a woman’s right to reproductive choice. Bucking his own party, he has voted against all attempts to create a constitutional right-to-life amendment. After Roe vs. Wade, he was a co-sponsor of the Freedom of Choice Act; and he supports RU-486, the so-called abortion pill, which provides another option for women. He is an advocate of family planning, and he has committed himself to establish a program of universal prenatal care in California.

When he was mayor of San Diego, one-third of his appointments to important city boards and commissions were qualified women. As a senator, he has consistently supported competent women for federal appointments.


Pete Wilson’s support of Proposition 140 (term limitations) also benefits women. It not only would bring good government to Sacramento, but also result in more women and minorities being elected to the Legislature as incumbents vacate their seats.

On drug, crime and tax issues, all of which affect both men and women, Pete Wilson’s record stands alone. He is the only candidate with a record of promoting safe streets and neighborhoods, and of keeping government out of our pocketbooks.

As a woman, I am proud to support Pete Wilson for governor.
