
Embattled Hatfield Campaign Gets a Boost From First Lady

From Associated Press

First Lady Barbara Bush on Monday came to the aid of embattled Sen. Mark O. Hatfield, saying his work has brought millions of federal dollars to Oregon.

While Hatfield was speaking, two hecklers were hustled out of the Hilton Hotel ballroom by security guards.

The protesters, who shouted about homosexual rights, were charged with trespass and one was charged with disorderly conduct, police spokesman Dave Simpson said.


Mrs. Bush urged more than 1,100 people who attended the $100-a-plate breakfast to do whatever they could to ensure that Hatfield is elected to a fifth term.

“Make that extra phone call, ring that extra doorbell and stuff that extra envelope,” she said.

The First Lady said Hatfield, as the ranking Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee, has helped bring millions of federal dollars to Oregon for such projects as the Hatfield Marine Science Center at Newport.

The Republican senator is locked in a tight race against Democrat Harry Lonsdale, a Bend businessman who has attacked Hatfield as a Washington insider who is beholden to special interests.
