
Khalidi on Israel and Palestinians

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Khalidi asks the familiar Palestine Liberation Organization question, “Why does the U.N. Security Council order Saddam Hussein out of the neighboring territory of Kuwait, but not demand that Israel relinquish the Eastern section of Jerusalem?”

One answer to this question is simply that the United Nations has seen the horrors of Beirut. One Beirut per century is certainly more than enough.

Those who scheme to turn one section of Jerusalem against another, to divide and incite neighbors into rebellion, and then to justify this solely by their own religious preferences are repugnant to civilized people but, tragically, it is desirable to those of a fanatical bent.


The United Nations is well aware of the fact that as far as the city of Jerusalem is concerned, it is doing remarkably well under the circumstances just as it is. Of course, there are exceptions, when certain minorities are manipulated into irrational violence by the likes of Yasser Arafat or the rabid Abul Abbas.

Khalidi was careful to recite the approved PLO line precisely, and with good reason.

As the daily newspapers confirm, on his next visit back home, any variation on his part might just lead the scary PLO leadership to cook his goose.

JACK GROSS, Beverly Hills
