
GULF WATCH: Day 114 : A Daily Briefing Paper On Developments In The Crisis


Diplomatic Front:

President Bush, declaring he would “work with” any nation willing to oppose Iraqi aggression, met with Syrian leader Hafez Assad in Geneva. Although Syrian troops are participating in the U.S.-led coalition against Iraq, Syria has been linked to past terrorist activity. Earlier in the day, Bush discussed the Persian Gulf situation with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo. Military Front:

Iraq began calling up battle-experienced reservists in their 30s for deployment in Kuwait. Baghdad has said it plans to send 150,000 reservists and 100,000 active-duty troops to supplement its force of about 430,000 in the occupied emirate. It also canceled a curfew of 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. in Kuwait “to confirm the return of normal life.” Terrorism Front:

The State Department encouraged U.S. citizens to leave Sudan and authorized embassy dependents to exit the West African nation. Sudan has supported Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and U.S. officials said anti-American terrorist attacks appear likely. Political Front:


Returning from a visit with U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell (D-Me.) reiterated support for the President’s policies in the Persian Gulf. However, he said any offensive military action there would require prior congressional approval. U.S. Navy Warships Dispatched to Gulf:

Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier group

America aircraft carrier group

Ranger aircraft carrier group

Battleship Missouri and escort ships
