
SANTA ANA : Reservists to Still Get City Pay, Benefits


The Santa Ana City Council unanimously passed a resolution Monday that will allow city employees called to active duty during the Persian Gulf crisis to continue to receive a paycheck and health benefits.

The city will now compensate employee reservists for any difference in pay they may incur as a result of being called to active duty. They will also continue to pay health and dental benefits for the employee’s family until June 30. The council will then have the option of extending the resolution if the crisis continues.

The resolution has an immediate impact on two city employees who have already been called to duty and could ultimately affect up to 25 employees, said Swadesh Chopra, the city’s deputy director of personnel services.


In the past, the city’s policy of granting a leave of absence with full pay and benefits for up to 30 days each calendar year had been sufficient, since the active duty of reservists typically lasted only two weeks.

But the length and scope of the current military situation warranted a change in policy to minimize hardships, Chopra said.

The council’s action comes less than a week after both the Anaheim and Costa Mesa city councils voted to extend benefits or pay to employees called to duty.
