
Just to get you in the holiday...

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Just to get you in the holiday mood, today’s column will be accompanied by one of the season’s more tender carols, “Christmas in Malibu” by the Radudes.

“It’s one of our most requested songs,” says KPWR music director Al Tavera.

Naturally, with lyrics like:

They were breakin’ outside,

Sudden rise of the tide.


Then, out of the Northern sky comes a sled.

It lands on a swell, guess who’s insid e?

One of County Assessor Kenneth P. Hahn’s first acts upon taking office was to remove the 17 signs bearing the name of publicity-conscious predecessor John J. Lynch from doors in the Hall of Administration. So far, only one Hahn nameplate has been spotted--on Hahn’s door.

Also, when you phone that department, you are now informed, simply, that you’ve reached the assessor’s office. Secretaries are no longer under orders to answer with the incumbent’s name. Thus, a caller no longer has the startling experience of hearing a female secretary intone:


“County Assessor John J. Lynch.”

S t. Nick and his elves,

Wet suits off the shelves.

It’s the one day of the year


They get the waves to themselves .

Recalling one of the more famous slips of the presidential campaign, Rita Rosenbaum of Tarzana speculated: “People didn’t make such a big fuss about Pearl Harbor Day this year because President Bush changed the date to September.”

O ld Santa hung 10.

He winks at me, smiles, and then,

With the crash of a wave they were gone.

But his board washes ashore.

The wonderful world of freeways:

“Your ‘Dueling Signs’ winner (Aug. 18) is very much in error,” writes Michael Brodie of North Hollywood.


“A driver can reach the 101 Freeway (south) from any of the three southbound lanes of Lankershim Boulevard in front of Universal Studios.

“The right lane must turn right (west) on Ventura Boulevard, which leads to a southbound on-ramp less than 1/4 mile away. The left lane must turn left and the middle lane may turn left at Ventura Boulevard (which is actually Cahuenga Boulevard, starting from this intersection). At the next intersection, a left turn may be made onto the other southbound on-ramp.”

Got it.

T hat was when

Put my wet suit on quick

Paddle out on that big old red stick.

Then the best waves I’ve ever seen


Start rollin’ in.

A gift just for me from St. Nick.

These tears in our eyes aren’t from salt water.


Although some institutions in Los Angeles County, such as USC, Bank of America and First Interstate Bank, have a ZIP code all to themselves, the city of Signal Hill does not.
