
$14.8-Million Development Plan for Wilmington Outlined

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A stretch of Wilmington’s waterfront would be transformed from industrial uses to a commercial and recreational center under a $14.8-million development proposed this week to the Los Angeles Harbor Commission.

The proposal, which caps two years of study by the Wilmington Community Advisory Committee and the consulting firm of RTKL Associates Inc., outlines a 20-year blueprint for developing the waterfront from Slip 5 to C Street, between Fries and Broad avenues.

Ezunial Burts, the port’s executive director, told commissioners that the proposal “accomplishes exactly what we set out to do” in appointing the committee and enlisting its suggestions on waterfront development in Wilmington.


The port’s staff, Burts said, will review the committee’s plan and return with a feasibility report in 90 days. Other than the $198,000 spent on the consultant’s report, no money has been set aside for the project.

Highlights of the proposal include a 10,000-square-foot community center, office buildings, restaurants and other public facilities, including a recreational boating dock.

In addition, the proposal calls for realigning and landscaping several area streets, including Avalon Boulevard, and removing industrial facilities, including the city Department of Water and Power’s tank farms.


“It’s been long overdue and its future is now in your hands,” committee Chairman George De La Torre told port commissioners in presenting the plan.
